Subject: Cafe Gang on Legend of the Seas Author: Kukimoon Uploaded By: Kukimoon Date: 3/30/1998 File: NANCY_~1.JPG (30302 bytes) Estimated Download Time (44459 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 70 Equipment: Any Computer Needs: AOL or Any Graphics Viewer This is a picture of " The Horse " on our Legend of the Seas cruise. From left to right. NBrazill, Kuki ( the VERY handsome one ), The Horse, Popee143, MamaChubs If you have a new version of the America Online software (Windows 2.0 or Mac 2.5 or higher) you will be able to view this with America Online. Otherwise you will need a graphics program capable of reading JPEG format graphics files. If you have an IBM compatible you can try Paint Shop Pro. Mac users can try GraphicConverter. Both of these are shareware programs and are available in the Travel Software Library. After you have downloaded the file, open your JPEG viewer then select OPEN and look for the file in the directory where you downloaded it. If you didn't specify a directory/folder for downloading it is probably in your AOL or AOL/Download directory or AOL/Online Downloads folder. This file has been checked for viruses with NAV95 ver. 2.0